Saturday, 26 May 2018

Control, or let them!

Sometimes things don't work like we have planned, therefore we tend to do jobs that are not meant for us, the hierarchical strides that put us working all like slaves and embossing our priorities with their rules. Life for me carries a different equation altogether; it is like getting to solve people's problem with what I already have and how I am able to.

Some people love to travel, among others who fill their life with occasional dip in spirits. Some people need the world to know how they are making this world a better place. When people really get out of their fictional zone and face reality, they realise the best output of their thoughts. We just feel trapped even when we have nothing to do, we tend to keep ourselves occupied doing irrelevant things but zilch.

We are humans, humans with need, need that transcends to want, want that is as perilous as war. This is how have humans come together to create war but love. Without having to know it's dire consequences, we get ourselves to one direction that isn't ours. It is but made for us, by the people we have faith in. By the belief we put on someone or something (be it religion, be it God).

Now, for a brief moment, just imagine life where you are not accountable to anyone, you do what you feel like, buy stuff that you love, travel wherever you want to, be with people you want to be, enjoy sex, get high, steal something, hurt someone, hate or even kill someone. And you have nothing to sob on, but just do what you want. At the end of it, you will be a person of regret. Then don't even feel the guilt of it. Just shamelessly do what you ever desire for. After all, who is there to judge, who is that you even obey. People who are exposed to doing these things, they don't feel guilt. What they think right is right. They don't have anyone to judge them. It's a world you think where actions have no consequences, where guilt is cloaked by self-proclaimed righteousness. An invisible universe that is there, emptying your conscience, every minute of a time.

This notion, it has to be wrong. That's why humans have created for themselves, something more powerful and it is not God. It is that power that holds them for long, making them eventually habitual to choose, in fact select, the right decision for them. Behold yourselves, you are now being controlled. Every moment in your life is the right decision taken by someone else, for you. You just choose to be in it or on other.

You have parents, you have a boss, you believe in God, are you atheist or not, liberal? Every time you do things that you think isn't for you is actually someone else getting something out of you, not to mention, for their benefit of course. That's how it happens, your strings are in my hands.

Control yourself, before anyone else does. People having an uninformed opinion about things they don't understand to proclaim their opinion equally valid as facts is what is ruining them people. No one wants to learn about anything, they just want to be right.

A man who can't control himself, shall feel pity! - Anonymous