Monday, 4 July 2011

Anti-socialists and their Remote

Maria Surairaj
It all had to happen, we crash, break up, momentarily land up into castigations but at last we need to patch up. Probably the words sound like I am talking about a relationship but somehow you need to learn something more important than relationships and love-melodrama first, if yourself worth loving another person? You are not living alone to decide if what you did wrong and  rue your day.

-There's something very uncool on social media and networks, because the thing youth is talking about is only about their selves, their lives, their beau, their parents and even their pet. They don't even know about what's the world is talking about. My point here is "dearth of social indulgence, or inappropriate use of social networks and media". Youth needs to  have an extremely exaggerated excretory endeavor with the society around.

Maria in Media
"Your online boyfriend/girlfriend won't come up if you've been raped/assaulted/molested/mauled/kidnapped/killed/crashed."

We all have inappropriate situations hard to cope up with in everyday scenario like in India, Government is turning and twisting with the Lokpal issues still incomplete. On the other bulletin we have Maria Surairaj convicted for indulgence in Neeraj Grover's body been chopped into 300 pieces in paranoid. (Gosh! ...sound like a news paper) I may not have sympathy to whoever dead or alive but isn't this all we need to cope up with? We cannot be that antisocial that we forsake what's happening around. World is crazy. You have to raise your opinion unless you see the white flag around (not in case if you can't stand your statement) On the positive side I see that few have been motivated and came up for the LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Trans-gender) community to forecast their selves. Fight for your cause, become social and love yourself. Sign up on Facebook & Twitter to know what's happening in the world and indulgence is your pure love you are giving it to the community that's what is worth-living.

Remotely issues
-But all these things makes me come to a point that people seek other's attention before they come up with the helping hand. Giving something for free can make you feel lost it, but the respect you earn is worth giving. Hence forth being an anti socialist and pressing the TV remote's button can do nothing to improve your community. Stand up for a cause! Or you could be a next victim.

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