Saturday, 9 July 2011

What Makes You Dumb!

Like everybody, there is a child in you (mentally, if you take it!) and that makes us act childish more or less stupid. Many of us have entangled ourselves in the cobwebs of this busy life and the hectic schedule which hardly gives us the time even to piss. We always have some thing crashing inside our mind; same study time-table, daily work and many other things which keeps us almost busy everyday and the monotony of it all has become so crisp that even a slight change would make our commitments ruthless and we crack-a-head over every bit of a mistake. And the rest of the time gaps which is to be spend-in-peace is already filled by sitting in front of a computer screen and chatting to unknown.

Life in a day of us has almost become similar everyday and by this if we get-together to our friends after a long while it takes that stupid ideas which were ready-to-erupt while we were busy hectically tends to come out as DUMB IDEAS--making you DUMB. For this if we believe shouldn't happen, we must take a peaceful walk through our workaholic appointments and try not to indulge ourselves more often through online means. 

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