I've been awarded the Liebster Blog Award by Divya Bisht! Thank You :)
This award is for bloggers. And here are the rules:
1. Each person must post 11 facts about themselves.
2. Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the people you’ve tagged.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your posts.
4. Tell them you have tagged them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.
11 Facts about me
1. I am a huge fan of "Dexter".
2. My favorite colour is black.
3. I am a movie freak.
4. I love writing and watching (movies).
5. I will be real
6. I am a Capricorn.
7. I have special friends but mostly I am a loner.
8. I live in New Delhi.
9. My love is writing and luxury, ironically yes.
10. I love cooking
11. I am an alc-o-holic.
11 Questions asked by Divya:
8. I live in New Delhi.
9. My love is writing and luxury, ironically yes.
10. I love cooking
11. I am an alc-o-holic.
11 Questions asked by Divya:
1. Which is your favourite hang out place?
Inside a car with a bar.
2. Who is your favourite author?
2. Who is your favourite author?
Julian Barnes
3. Who is you idol in life?
3. Who is you idol in life?
The one who is now dead. And then he became a deadly idol.
4. When is your birthday?
4. When is your birthday?
on my birthdate. PJ, 27 december.
5. what comes to your mind when you hear the word "books"?
5. what comes to your mind when you hear the word "books"?
Hell, one more? (I love reading books which I find myself).
6. Do you have a Goodreads account? If yes, what is the thing you like about this site the most?
6. Do you have a Goodreads account? If yes, what is the thing you like about this site the most?
That I can boast about the book I have never read. lol
7. Which is the favourite social networking site according to you?
8. Tea or coffee?
8. Tea or coffee?
9. What are your educational qualifications?
I am an illiterate Basterd.
10. Books or movies?
10. Books or movies?
Thriller movies and literary books - both, actually.
11. Which is your favourite ice-cream?
11. Which is your favourite ice-cream?
Cassatta (mother dairy)
Liebster Award Nominees:
1. Train of Thoughts
2. New books on my shelves
3. Caffeine and Books
4. a pocket full of books
5. the nocturnal library
4. a pocket full of books
5. the nocturnal library
6. Milena's Book corner blog
7. Lust for life
7. Lust for life
8. Mom's Thumb reviews
9. Musings over nothing
10. World full of wonder and vigor
11. Anyone who wants to
9. Musings over nothing
10. World full of wonder and vigor
11. Anyone who wants to
11 Questions for the Liebster Award Nominees:
1. What be your favourite place to make out?
2. Who is your favourite actress?
3. Since when did you start realizing that now you fantasize about sex in life?
4. And you fantasize with which wo/man?
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the word "Lust"?
6. Do you now visit pornographic sites in incognito?
1. What be your favourite place to make out?
2. Who is your favourite actress?
3. Since when did you start realizing that now you fantasize about sex in life?
4. And you fantasize with which wo/man?
5. What comes to your mind when you hear the word "Lust"?
6. Do you now visit pornographic sites in incognito?
7. Which is the favourite social networking site, (don't fcuk me, saying facebook)?
8. Smoking or drinking?
8. Smoking or drinking?
9. Only for ladies; what is your figure? Men may write, their partners?
10. Books or movies?
11. Which is your favourite flavour (don't think too much)?
10. Books or movies?
11. Which is your favourite flavour (don't think too much)?
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