Saturday, 23 May 2020

Destiny is what you make of it

Sometimes, life gives you lemons and if not, you tend to buy one for yourself. While life keeps giving you lemons, can you not stop buying them for yourself? To know the purpose is better to walk down the road someone else has decided you upon.

Are you only growing up to be able to be responsible enough to prove your worth and justify your commitments? All the baggage that you have filled your life with is not going to land you anywhere. Life seems to be in motions but is still, the very moment you realise it to be. Some people choose to commit to life and then drag themselves the entire life to prove their commitments. When you have put yourself in the situation, you don’t tend to like it or otherwise love it. There are always two sides of the coin, and you would always keep worrying about if the coin would’ve flipped one more time.

The Dilemma of Life.

Most of us have that gut feeling to do something that we always wanted to. We all have gone through a similar phase of life where we have the tendency to plan our life as we go down that path. But what if something goes wrong and everything turns the way you would have imagined otherwise. You must realise that you become whatever you choose to be. There is no such thing as destiny. You only can choose.

The Baggage of Life:

I want you to imagine your life as you are carrying baggage and each of your experience adds up to the weight of that baggage. As you go on with life, starting from the good old school days to ending up in a corporate cabin. You add up each element starting from the little things you have in your pocket, things on the shelves, maybe your watch or your phone. Now start adding the bigger stuff, like having a cool entertainment system, home appliances, your boxes, your car and perhaps even your home. How does that add up to make you feel? Heavy huh! Now you have to walk up to a distance. Hard, isn’t it? This is what we all have been doing until now. We weigh ourselves in society by these things until we can’t even nudge. And no mistakes there, moving is living. So, you can’t even say no and just be.

As we move on with life, we take along with us the experiences and personal interpretations of life from the events that made us such. Your school life where you have been bullied – that you mustn’t like, your college life where you met your love of life – that you like. Your chaotic and muddled break up that went on for 2 more years after that you have broken up – that you hated. Your life event of buying a house that changed everything – that you may like.  Your baggage is full of stuff that you have experienced or learned from past relationships that colour how you see relationships today. Same goes with your work baggage, and your friendship baggage, and your health baggage, and so on.

Should we now just burn the bag and imagine that you are going to wake up tomorrow with nothing? Nothing that you own. Isn’t that exciting about what you can do with yourself? Afterall you will eventually die alone. Then why not be one, while you are actually living.

Too long, but so true:

For the greater good, people live in societies to expand the humankind. But we all are aware of the fact that we don’t need as many people as there are in the world. Too many cooks spoil the broth then why produce one. I was so mystified by the concept of starting on my own that I ruined what my family had for me. It was a fate-changing experience for me that my dad had to contain his pride to mine. I could have easily gone away from all the melodrama to have achieved something in life. But I couldn’t fathom that why did I not react when I actually had a chance to. For me, the state of desperation killed me to the level that I just wanted to fuck it all up to start over. And I couldn’t because I still have father-son issues. It wasn’t destined for my father to pay for my wrong done, the mistakes that I have been committing.

Things are still the same, and I am still fucked up. But now I know why am I in this state rather than being ignorant of the choices I make.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Liberation through Life Labyrinth

Slug >> Liberating experience - Meditation - Life

You know, when you just start to begin something or start taking responsibilities, it tricks you into becoming something unknown. The person who you really are is not the person who you would want to become. And it takes a lot of things from you. But in reality, you’re just not getting away from something, you’re getting away with something. Take life as a maze that gets you nowhere, but leads you somewhere.

One way in, no way out.

Such is the labyrinth that is the life which takes you through many twists and turns. Yet it is in deep belief, with inherent meaning of life that will steadily inform and inspire, leading you deeper into the life path, deeper into authentic meaning. When we explore our lives as labyrinths of meaning, we deepen our experience of life. 

Question is, what’s at the end of the path?

Like a labyrinth, life has only one path. It is unicursal. The way in is the only way out. There are no blind alleys. The path leads you on a circuitous path to the centre and out again, realising that you are the same person you began the change with. That’s who you really are, the one who you were trying to transform. There is no necessity to change whatsoever. It isn’t going anywhere. Life is a journey, not a destination that you ought to arrive at.

A labyrinth is a right brain task. It involves intuition, creativity, and imagery. With a maze, many choices must be made and an active mind is needed to solve the problem of finding the centre. With a labyrinth, there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path.

At its rudimentary level, the labyrinth is a metaphor for the journey to the centre of your self-actualisation and reflecting back to the world with a broader understanding of who you are. Not what that you know, but what you don’t.

As Proust wrote, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Stop now, right now, and look around you. This is your place in the labyrinth. There is no place else you need to be. See with eyes that aren’t fixed on goals, or focused on flaws. You are part of the endless, winding beauty. And as you learn to see the dappled loveliness of your life, as your new eyes help you begin loving the labyrinth, you’ll slowly come to realize that the labyrinth was made solely for the purpose you would rather have been oblivion to.

When we walk the path, we go around short curves and long curves; sometimes we are out on the edge, sometimes we circle around the centre. We are never really lost, but we can never quite see where we are going.

Along the path we sometimes move forward with ease and confidence: sometimes we creep ahead cautiously, sometimes we find the need to stop and reflect, and sometimes we even feel the urge to retreat. The centre is there but our path takes us through countless twists and turns. Sometimes we are at the heart of our life experiences, and yet lost to even realise, sometimes we are at a playful turn; sometimes we share our path with others. No matter what, we are still in the labyrinth of life. It holds all our experiences, in life and in work. And to draw upon the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, we need to be aware that what looks like an endpoint can also be a beginning point. Indeed, in so many ways, the labyrinth is like life.

The effects of walking the labyrinth vary from person to person and even with the same person on different occasions. Each time you move through the labyrinth it may be for a different reason. You may be seeking:
  • Balance of good & evil
  • Healing out of a tragedy
  • Self-actualisation
  • Being aware of your surrounding
  • Experiencing the energies

And once you reach the centre of the labyrinth you can:
  • Relax
  • Meditate
  • Seek Answers to your own questions
“Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path... exactly where you are meant to be right now... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.” 
-   Caroline Adams
