Saturday 23 May 2020

Destiny is what you make of it

Sometimes, life gives you lemons and if not, you tend to buy one for yourself. While life keeps giving you lemons, can you not stop buying them for yourself? To know the purpose is better to walk down the road someone else has decided you upon.

Are you only growing up to be able to be responsible enough to prove your worth and justify your commitments? All the baggage that you have filled your life with is not going to land you anywhere. Life seems to be in motions but is still, the very moment you realise it to be. Some people choose to commit to life and then drag themselves the entire life to prove their commitments. When you have put yourself in the situation, you don’t tend to like it or otherwise love it. There are always two sides of the coin, and you would always keep worrying about if the coin would’ve flipped one more time.

The Dilemma of Life.

Most of us have that gut feeling to do something that we always wanted to. We all have gone through a similar phase of life where we have the tendency to plan our life as we go down that path. But what if something goes wrong and everything turns the way you would have imagined otherwise. You must realise that you become whatever you choose to be. There is no such thing as destiny. You only can choose.

The Baggage of Life:

I want you to imagine your life as you are carrying baggage and each of your experience adds up to the weight of that baggage. As you go on with life, starting from the good old school days to ending up in a corporate cabin. You add up each element starting from the little things you have in your pocket, things on the shelves, maybe your watch or your phone. Now start adding the bigger stuff, like having a cool entertainment system, home appliances, your boxes, your car and perhaps even your home. How does that add up to make you feel? Heavy huh! Now you have to walk up to a distance. Hard, isn’t it? This is what we all have been doing until now. We weigh ourselves in society by these things until we can’t even nudge. And no mistakes there, moving is living. So, you can’t even say no and just be.

As we move on with life, we take along with us the experiences and personal interpretations of life from the events that made us such. Your school life where you have been bullied – that you mustn’t like, your college life where you met your love of life – that you like. Your chaotic and muddled break up that went on for 2 more years after that you have broken up – that you hated. Your life event of buying a house that changed everything – that you may like.  Your baggage is full of stuff that you have experienced or learned from past relationships that colour how you see relationships today. Same goes with your work baggage, and your friendship baggage, and your health baggage, and so on.

Should we now just burn the bag and imagine that you are going to wake up tomorrow with nothing? Nothing that you own. Isn’t that exciting about what you can do with yourself? Afterall you will eventually die alone. Then why not be one, while you are actually living.

Too long, but so true:

For the greater good, people live in societies to expand the humankind. But we all are aware of the fact that we don’t need as many people as there are in the world. Too many cooks spoil the broth then why produce one. I was so mystified by the concept of starting on my own that I ruined what my family had for me. It was a fate-changing experience for me that my dad had to contain his pride to mine. I could have easily gone away from all the melodrama to have achieved something in life. But I couldn’t fathom that why did I not react when I actually had a chance to. For me, the state of desperation killed me to the level that I just wanted to fuck it all up to start over. And I couldn’t because I still have father-son issues. It wasn’t destined for my father to pay for my wrong done, the mistakes that I have been committing.

Things are still the same, and I am still fucked up. But now I know why am I in this state rather than being ignorant of the choices I make.

Sunday 5 April 2020

Liberation through Life Labyrinth

Slug >> Liberating experience - Meditation - Life

You know, when you just start to begin something or start taking responsibilities, it tricks you into becoming something unknown. The person who you really are is not the person who you would want to become. And it takes a lot of things from you. But in reality, you’re just not getting away from something, you’re getting away with something. Take life as a maze that gets you nowhere, but leads you somewhere.

One way in, no way out.

Such is the labyrinth that is the life which takes you through many twists and turns. Yet it is in deep belief, with inherent meaning of life that will steadily inform and inspire, leading you deeper into the life path, deeper into authentic meaning. When we explore our lives as labyrinths of meaning, we deepen our experience of life. 

Question is, what’s at the end of the path?

Like a labyrinth, life has only one path. It is unicursal. The way in is the only way out. There are no blind alleys. The path leads you on a circuitous path to the centre and out again, realising that you are the same person you began the change with. That’s who you really are, the one who you were trying to transform. There is no necessity to change whatsoever. It isn’t going anywhere. Life is a journey, not a destination that you ought to arrive at.

A labyrinth is a right brain task. It involves intuition, creativity, and imagery. With a maze, many choices must be made and an active mind is needed to solve the problem of finding the centre. With a labyrinth, there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path.

At its rudimentary level, the labyrinth is a metaphor for the journey to the centre of your self-actualisation and reflecting back to the world with a broader understanding of who you are. Not what that you know, but what you don’t.

As Proust wrote, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” Stop now, right now, and look around you. This is your place in the labyrinth. There is no place else you need to be. See with eyes that aren’t fixed on goals, or focused on flaws. You are part of the endless, winding beauty. And as you learn to see the dappled loveliness of your life, as your new eyes help you begin loving the labyrinth, you’ll slowly come to realize that the labyrinth was made solely for the purpose you would rather have been oblivion to.

When we walk the path, we go around short curves and long curves; sometimes we are out on the edge, sometimes we circle around the centre. We are never really lost, but we can never quite see where we are going.

Along the path we sometimes move forward with ease and confidence: sometimes we creep ahead cautiously, sometimes we find the need to stop and reflect, and sometimes we even feel the urge to retreat. The centre is there but our path takes us through countless twists and turns. Sometimes we are at the heart of our life experiences, and yet lost to even realise, sometimes we are at a playful turn; sometimes we share our path with others. No matter what, we are still in the labyrinth of life. It holds all our experiences, in life and in work. And to draw upon the wisdom of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, we need to be aware that what looks like an endpoint can also be a beginning point. Indeed, in so many ways, the labyrinth is like life.

The effects of walking the labyrinth vary from person to person and even with the same person on different occasions. Each time you move through the labyrinth it may be for a different reason. You may be seeking:
  • Balance of good & evil
  • Healing out of a tragedy
  • Self-actualisation
  • Being aware of your surrounding
  • Experiencing the energies

And once you reach the centre of the labyrinth you can:
  • Relax
  • Meditate
  • Seek Answers to your own questions
“Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path... exactly where you are meant to be right now... And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.” 
-   Caroline Adams


Monday 12 August 2019

Start With Why!

Life ages from the time we realize our soul is fitted inside a body that is going to die anyway. What can you do? Best life lessons are learnt at your worst. 

 of confidence, gloom and doom, distrust and anxiousness.
These negative characteristics may get you very down in life when nothing goes right on track. You feel you could die easy. Now that there is no motivation in life. What would you even do to live ahead?

Although we can't get over that there won't be despair, anxiety or discouragement in life. But as a person of will, you should never let these thoughts take over your life. There's a 4:1 lifestyle meaning, creating four positive thoughts for every negative one, to keep situations from getting out of hand.

While self-introspection can be a key ingredient to a happy, mindful life, these new findings seem to drive home the point that rumination is just not good for us. 

Are you incapable?
That feeling of not able to do anything in life, unable to achieve anything, so inept that it can be disastrous. To overcome and realize what you can do in your life follow these simple steps to understand better:

1. Be curious
Curiosity for everything or anything will help you gain knowledge about it and you will be able to understand the situation to learn how it can help you achieve, not your goals, but what and if you even want that to start with.

2. Match your frequency
Heard of the feeling, "Butterflies in your stomach"? Whenever you flip a coin, the most probable outcome is what you are actually thinking about. Before the coin lands flat with the decision, you knew what you want. That's that frequency. 

3. Space out yourself
The best way to understand what you actually want is to space out yourself from the things you want to be with. This is an elimination round; where you actually eliminate the least required options of your goal to focus on the definite one.

4. Find your why!
Even though you would know what you need to do or achieve in life, but you wouldn't have a slight understanding of why are you doing what you are doing, you are a lost man. Because WHY is connected to feelings, it is like feeling what you are doing. And when you feel it, you won't question it. 

Although you can find many online books related to this, there is a 2-parts book on "START WITH WHY" & "FIND YOUR WHY" by Simon Sinek, which shall help guide you on a path to long-term success and enrichment in your life. 


Tuesday 12 June 2018

Extraordinary to becoming ordinary!

After you break out or break in, all you will ever want to see is to attain that extraordinary inspired by someone else. All this, because why?

There is a real post below picked up from social media:

"Hello, my name is Agnieszka, I'm 19 year old girl from Poland. Since I was 7, I have been suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis. Many people think that success is leading an extraordinary life. To me, the biggest success I will ever achieve is managing to live an ordinary, normal life. I am undergoing chemotherapy as my treatment and often doing simple, normal and casual tasks seems like a great deal. Living in constant discomfort, pain and dealing with all the side effects of the medications, make it very difficult to function normally.However, I've managed to get into university. I manage to study. I still smile. I’m still in pursuit of the love of my life. I still try new things. I still welcome all the challenges coming at me and despite the pain, I continue developing myself, playing piano, travelling, and learning.You don't have to lead an extraordinary life to be successful. As long as you do what makes you happy, you've already succeeded.I see very little of such content and I find it inspiring when I see someone achieve their goals despite the health issues they have. I would love to see people share their stories of overcoming illnesses and diseases.So how do you define a successful life?"- Agnieszka

All the TED talks, all the entrepreneurial thoughtful quotations, all that misleading content on the web. To what?

1. Be committed than finding motivation.

That one day when you start waking up early and join gyming or boxing is important not about pasting posters of quotations of Mohammad Ali or Pink Floyd.

2. Reliance is never a good choice.

Image result for interdependence
It is dependence, independence and then interdependence. You will start with private victory, over yourself and then move on with being independent to put your things first and lastly public victory by synergising your thoughts ahead.

3. Journey is important not the destiny.

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You will carry an emotional burden always and not find to enjoy your present moments. It’s about that game you have to enjoy while playing and not think about killing the villain. Just like snake arcades. Don’t lose perspective of life but be working on what makes you happy but in a disciplined manner.

4. Don’t be nice to yourself.

When your bed holds you in the morning, it won’t be the same when go back to sleep that day. Action brings results. And sometimes what you do won’t yield results as you would have desired of. Ask yourself why? You wait for the perfect timing, an opportunity, while you drive yourself into stagnant thoughts and sometimes even into depression. Get out there, challenge yourself, do something that you don’t want to do.

5. Don’t Stop.

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Be it what comes, you have to take on it through its horns. You are living a life of a human, the one who pets you will bring food otherwise. Your determination will only count. No hours, no amount of labour, no amount of money will ever be as same as it is.

Sunday 10 June 2018

In Your Twenties!

By the time you reach 25, Not yet sure what is that you were doing and if it is right or wrong. Many people go through this quarter life crisis, which is - "I'm going to work harder, and go to the gym, and do everything I can to achieve something, anything.'" But being unsure about what exactly.

Here are few signs that you've reached the transitional quarter life crisis:

You've started splurging on things you don't need.

If really there is anything that a person would need is basic meals and exclusive deals for their daily living. But are you really worried about getting that new car or fancy new iPhone - for what, to make calls and browse internet? A near colleague may ask you to not stress out and have a chilled beer while going from work - and you think, it's a good idea unless you are hemmed into it and it becomes often than not your regular Fridays!

This is the time you may explore but not on your pockets! Get yourself controlled and think through what best outcome that Friday night could get you?

All groan up!
Image may contain: text
This is when you start cribbing about what you can and cannot do. Seldom at work, one would appreciate another colleague but to what extent, "Thanks for getting me a coffee"? Oh boy! you've attained a degree to do what - transfer emails and write content that isn't even for you. Groaning will help you sometimes to think it over in an abyss, while you are still growing up.

And suddenly you will realise nothing is taking you anywhere. Be calm and grow on what is coming towards. Either you become an X-men, or excel in what you are doing at that moment. Not saying that you be trapped if you don't like doing it but wait for the right time and try not giving in.

Forever 21.
While you are listening a track you will attain a sense of contentment at few pitches of the song. But it won't come back to you when you hear it again - that is momentary. So, laws of the universe says that you may feel to be in the same event in your life, twice! - Ok, that's a lot of science that I have read and this is how you feel - déjà vu, a feeling that you've already experienced it before.

Coming back, you should try to live in present enjoy your moments and live experiences of your life that they might not come back to you, ever again. Even if they do, you won't be forever 21.

Zero balance account is zero balance, still.
How much have you saved till date? 

There is nothing better than securing your future with the whatever best you could do in your present. You don't owe any explanation to anyone for the life choices you make. But you better be brave enough to stand your choice and if it goes wrong, you still be better experienced.

Saturday 26 May 2018

Control, or let them!

Sometimes things don't work like we have planned, therefore we tend to do jobs that are not meant for us, the hierarchical strides that put us working all like slaves and embossing our priorities with their rules. Life for me carries a different equation altogether; it is like getting to solve people's problem with what I already have and how I am able to.

Some people love to travel, among others who fill their life with occasional dip in spirits. Some people need the world to know how they are making this world a better place. When people really get out of their fictional zone and face reality, they realise the best output of their thoughts. We just feel trapped even when we have nothing to do, we tend to keep ourselves occupied doing irrelevant things but zilch.

We are humans, humans with need, need that transcends to want, want that is as perilous as war. This is how have humans come together to create war but love. Without having to know it's dire consequences, we get ourselves to one direction that isn't ours. It is but made for us, by the people we have faith in. By the belief we put on someone or something (be it religion, be it God).

Now, for a brief moment, just imagine life where you are not accountable to anyone, you do what you feel like, buy stuff that you love, travel wherever you want to, be with people you want to be, enjoy sex, get high, steal something, hurt someone, hate or even kill someone. And you have nothing to sob on, but just do what you want. At the end of it, you will be a person of regret. Then don't even feel the guilt of it. Just shamelessly do what you ever desire for. After all, who is there to judge, who is that you even obey. People who are exposed to doing these things, they don't feel guilt. What they think right is right. They don't have anyone to judge them. It's a world you think where actions have no consequences, where guilt is cloaked by self-proclaimed righteousness. An invisible universe that is there, emptying your conscience, every minute of a time.

This notion, it has to be wrong. That's why humans have created for themselves, something more powerful and it is not God. It is that power that holds them for long, making them eventually habitual to choose, in fact select, the right decision for them. Behold yourselves, you are now being controlled. Every moment in your life is the right decision taken by someone else, for you. You just choose to be in it or on other.

You have parents, you have a boss, you believe in God, are you atheist or not, liberal? Every time you do things that you think isn't for you is actually someone else getting something out of you, not to mention, for their benefit of course. That's how it happens, your strings are in my hands.

Control yourself, before anyone else does. People having an uninformed opinion about things they don't understand to proclaim their opinion equally valid as facts is what is ruining them people. No one wants to learn about anything, they just want to be right.

A man who can't control himself, shall feel pity! - Anonymous

Friday 26 September 2014

Startups vs MNCs - The Big RAT Race

Working with the Multi-National Companies will give your resume a brand name but neither would it change your capability nor will improve business. If you want a brand label on your resume then don't go for startups. And if you want a career growth and you are not afraid of building reputation on your own then startups shall be on your call. 
For MNC-
It's definitely a dog-eat-dog world out there and people are least concerned about the fact where they are pushing their career towards. At least, now I am speaking for our Indian Society; if you have just graduated and hunting for job you would definitely go chasing big brands and despite the fact that MNCs literally takes up your life but then you would love it without it. Here, you will be trying to only be specific to "your" career, playing politics getting a position where you'd be the boss but eventually you are losing credibility. Now, who cares if you are getting a hefty pay check and a brand name on your ID says so-and-so Multi-National firm that raises eye brows while you are travelling in a Metro (only in the case if you don't own a BMW). And finally your career ends up bragging about many places you visited and food you ate, not forgetting to mention how your 'life in lights' was.
For StartUps
It's NOT a dog-eat-dog world, yes, it is not in a startup. If you are emotionally working out to build up your career and you think money is not the concern only until it helps managing your living. A startup is where you can actually startup your career, if giving your resume a startup name shall not demean your confidence. In a startup you will get exposure, it's like taking admission in a school from the first grade. You will get to learn the business without spending a nickel and it can be beneficial for you if you are just an entrant, or looking out for jobs. Expecting big money in this case would not lead you anywhere even after 3 years but the least you can do is live a fruitful life. You'd not own a Mercedes this way (if that's what you are desperate about) in nearly 5 to 6 years down the line but can definitely expect a peace-of-mind working schedule and coming back to loving family in your own Chevy Beat. Startups can lead to up to certain levels of satisfactions. Live Life In Peace.
Note/Disclaimer: Biased but not specifically endorsing.

Sunday 15 December 2013

It's Time, You Take It

All in one place, It's time you take it seriously, "The Online Advertising". The web - one place on earth you have ever been and be able to see the world, instantly. Without defying the statements of web, digital advertising that has far grown up now to be of a serious cause generation and be persuasive at the same time, is highly liable to to change 'your' opinion about any product or services. If you are not buying it, the other dominant category of people will let you. Unbelievably, there are marketers and advertisers who can make you buy a certain product without you knowing about being influenced. Online digital marketing has high scope in persuading people who mostly live their life, online.

The Digital Advertising rose above every marketing technique. There are many possibilities that may lead an Online digital advertising company which has just established can cater online client base without spending a nickel. And people, there are such entrepreneurial startups, already. There are digital advertising agencies who have gained fame and are established; webchutney, mudpie, FrogIdeas and 27 oranges adcomm amongst all, if I were to name a few.

It's time, you take it. There are people who are working hard to bring you the ultimate ideas and make irresistible ads which demands a second look. So, here is a suggestion, if you see an ad on this blog, just take it as a respect for those who made it.

Saturday 29 June 2013

Shouts Of Souls

At times, you may be wrong but not always. Just for this once, I wouldn't care if I am right or wrong. Living alone is likeable and I am getting addicted to it. Almost every person who just tried themselves on drugs and alcohol have not been able to give it up lately. May be that thought struck always down to my throat and I am not quitting it. You may be addicted, you may feel guilt, remorse and circumstantial indifferences make you anxious but on the other hand you can go out and work hard until smoking or the hard work itself kills you.

I am trying to seek peace in isolation, its like you are searching for silence in bereavement and what you get is the intense loudness in the utter silence you probably are hemmed in, and finally if you will tend to notice the surroundings you will find that annoyance is quite a small word.

Complications are sometimes so good that you quite get addicted to it. You find pain in everything, in everything will you now disguise your agitated emotions! Things would seemingly try to get more convoluted and you will find yourself trapped in the lethargic cobwebs of the time and circumstances that you may once were addicted to. Life is too simple to be lived quietly in a place of no man's land, but since we (me, in particular sense) complicate situations and life, we tend not to perform better than with the sense of remorse of our own wrong done.

There will come a time when all you seek would only be peace and silence without the belligerence of thoughts that might prevail in the head of evil. But since, you're already confounded with a perplexed situation that all swayed upon you by the very "will" of yours, you cannot, even if you want to, get away with shouts of your soul.

"The things you own end up owning you."

Friday 18 January 2013

Social Decry

Just this time at once and forever I would like anybody and everybody to know the difference between what you actually are and what you become under public spectacle. You eat with hands, put that very finger in your nose later to clean up slimy secretion and you may at times overlook doing so. Have a very scintillating personality (-certainly addressing all the ladies) which you would always want people to admire to but not you want carry yourself like that when home alone. Wear a ripped pajama in the house but a brand tagged denim when in the public domain. Act puerilely in comradeship but have a hold over self when out on the run.

Start getting pragmatically professional, people. This divide between you and other people's perception of you, may lead to get an acuity of yours to go down in the dumps. I have gotten into the very casual attitude in-and-out, everywhere and anywhere and this precedes as people find topics of concern when you don't get them what they want to hear or see (-stop criticizing everything, finicky folks). Not everything is governed by anybody, so why the heck in this planet anybody would want to be pejorative (or change or criticize) certain things which they personally don't like. You just cannot have to be judgmental about anything that comes on your way. Just be a self critic and create your personal opinion without disparaging others.

It may be giving a look that I may have inclined the topic on the different aspect but rendering the same fact that if you become practically focused on what you actually are, you will be purging yourself and be what you are. This may finally give you the eloquent sense of judgment. Now you are free to say that, "I would have rather died than reading this." And I will irrevocably be the same person.

Thursday 27 September 2012

Get a Life, Deal with it

This cannot be undone. When you get the way into your life, you don't want to follow it and the rest while you are just getting freaky as to why you are so lost. Can human tendency work two ways out of a problem? Actually, life goes on and on and we as freaks waste almost half of our life finding the ways out of a problem. It is essentially not needed to work on a problem of a life when it just comes and goes by, just give it a look and that's all. People I see, some are busy making their schedules, some have already traced their future on a book (diary, so they say), some still looking for ways to get over emotional disdain, for some their standard of living, and the list goes on. Different People, Different Problems. I do what I love and love what I do (Blackberry kicker is copied from here :p *winks*), I mean it. I don't go boggling around things as what to do and what not to. Yes, we need to schedule our lives, to speak practically, for the need of it.

How many times have you heard "live present, leave past"? I wouldn't doubt you haven't heard this yet. You should definitely keep in regards what you have to become, not how you want to become. 'Trample on the air this earth has and feel the breeze this life gives you, don't run for what is going away, capture the smiles on your way.' Life is simple, stop complicating with your preparation of facing the future. What happened, let it rest on past and live your present. And then I see people sick of their past shitting their present. This is life you cannot change it, This cannot be undone.

Hell, what have I become! A philosophers' tune? A guide? Phuck No! I'm goinna sleep now. And stop drunk blogging.

Monday 23 July 2012

Pranab Mukherji: The Thirteenth and unlucky.

The Pranab Mukherjee, as the 13th President of India is substited Smt. Pratibha Devi Singh Patil by the end of July presidential election of 2012. President Mukherjee, first a Teacher, then a Journalist, then The Finance Minister of India has garnered 69.3% of the total (10,29,750) Ten lakhs Twenty Nine Thousands Seven Hundred and Fifty valid votes polled, from the rivalry P. A. Sangma.

Former president and Congress veteran Pranab Mukherjee passed away on August 31. The 84-year-old was admitted to the military hospital around noon on August 10, and had also tested positive for COVID-19 prior to the surgery. His condition had remained critical a day after he underwent a brain surgery.

He, who was the leader of Indian National Congress resigned from the Political Office preceding his Presidential elections this July. His prosperity and integrity contained him with a successful career in the righteous path of the life. President Mukherjee's incumbent as a Finance Minister honoured him with many achievements as awards. He was awarded as "The Finance Minister Of the Year for Asia" by the 'Emerging Markets' The daily newspaper of record for the world bank. Like many others he also had a many ups and downs of his career but has he been the disciplined and workaholic which finally led him to the presidential post.

India may have invigorated after this Presidential Election, as they were not very fond of the current President Smt. Pratibha DeviSingh Patil. The recent economic decline, rapes and murders were all said to be the poor action of laws. The riddance seems to be very great as the newly elected President is very active and people trust him for the way of his work and the active participation in the development of the country. He can be seen shouting often as that of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. 

Pratibha DeviSingh Patil is said to be only seen on Republic day at India Gate. Only then. Seriously. People have angered over this insipid President but now they may have the light of hope for their life as Pranab enters the Rashtrapati Bhavan with his powers of amendment.
Pratibha Patil said, "I am deeply committed to the cause of  education and would like to see every person, man and woman, boy and girl, be touched by the light of  modern education. Empowerment of  women is particularly important to me as I believe this leads to the empowerment of  the nation"
I just got to ask her a question. Has she not seen the Guwahati Molestion or Rape case by now? Just for this once, somebody give her a TV set on her farewell, please. Let her see and insinuate the empowerment of women. What in the world is wrong with the Government? I know it is wrong to target Government for every cause but people, everything is a cause for this paradigm. You may think I am the only one accusing our President but for God's sake, ask these people, ask yourself, have you ever felt like empowerment of women is somewhere really empowering women. I cannot judge Pratibha Patil as I cannot call Sherlyn Chopra, a Bitch nor Poonam pandey, a whore for just they have posed nude for that matter. May be our President has lots of work to do in her office but it doesn't ever appear to public spectacle! Or does it ever? That is how transparent our Government is.

And even if Pratibha Devi Singh Patil has uplifted our women of honour. Why people in this country are still insecure and prevailing disregard. I may not have disgraceful feelings for our President as she is still a respectable citizen of India. I am also proud that even if the least she did, she did for women and for the country. We shall also pride in ourselves for being Governed by such a pure heart and calmer human. And moreover, the first lady-President of India.

Now talking about our 13th President Mukherjee, the number denotes the unluckiness for many but for him The Thirteenth is the Luck. You would also like to know that the Government of India honoured him with 'Padma Vibhushan', which is the second highest civilian award in India. Not that Pranab Mukherjee is non-capacitive for this post of President but he has earned his stature of Presidence by winning the elections at a margin of 69.3%, which itself is a remarkable achievement. Most of the people are celebrating the entrance of his rather than bidding the farewell to Pratibha Patil.

Hindustan Times 
The Times of India 
Twitter  (@shankdelhi)
The article is written not to hurt anybody's value and nor does it condign any disparagement against anybody for that matter.

Saturday 14 July 2012

Stereotypical Love

I can so form a story, bewildering you to lose your temper even before you get through the article. But I would not do that. Okay, why the hell do I want anybody to break their device while reading my blog. This is not a love story, so please, you love-sick patients may cry foul of this.

Many of my friends who live not their life but what their girl wants them to be. Have they ever obeyed their parents, heck why? "There are two theories to arguing a girl, neither of them works" This may sound a bit chauvinistic on our part but, you see truth is truth. For some people, being in a relationship with the only priority of intimidating their desires can be well understood. But I can't fathom a situation where a person lands up in a relationship every month and almost misunderstands their partner every time with a sense of regret and remorse, agonizing situations without having sex and crying of break-up every second of a day. Hell, this is not love. I might have misinterpreted love for quite a while. But Love doesn't happen this way (sex does, though).

Talking about people who momentarily exercise on their relationship etiquettes and get nothing except a crap from a girl. Approaching every woman on the track and asking them out for dates may be a good way to go for a girl but keeping a tab on them frequently makes me sick.

What is wrong with Love Stories?
A sick person revolves around a girl, could not even try to convince her for himself, losing temper, suicides. The pigeonhole of Love Stories is now understood.

The people shall not lose their integrity chasing partners. To get love, start loving the person in you. Find love in yourself, the shadow of you in the mirror.